Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ben Sonnenberg

Founder and publisher of Grand Street -- via the New York Times. He did what he damn pleased.

1 comment:

  1. I read with interest and regret in The New York Times of the passing of a former editor -- a very influential editor -- of mine, Ben Sonnenberg Jr., who founded and edited the excellent literary journal, Grand Street.

    I was lucky enough to work with Ben on two of my stories, "Born Here", now republished at and "Quiet", now at (and which was a Best American Short Story "nominee".)
    Later, Ben generously blurbed my FSG book of stories, FATHER MUST.

    Grand Street was an uncommonly, at least to me, (and this was my experience WAY before I was in it) INVOLVING publication -- I would, mentally, at least, DEVOUR its pages with gusto.
